Scandinavian Mountains Accommodation

Scandinavian Mountains over 2000 metres - James Baxter

Areas › Accommodation

Bjørnhollia Lodge
DNT hotel/lodge with facilities
Tel: +47 90 11 13 80

Bjørnhollia Lodge is also a DNT lodge. It is perhaps one of the finest DNT lodges in Norway and retains much of the historic charm of the old seter it once was.

BjørnholliaIdyllically situated at 910 metres in a lush birch forest, the turf roofed cluster of buildings are extremely well maintained and clean. It is accessed from various places in the Atnadalen valley after a 1½ to 2½ hour walk or ski from the main road. The well run lodge has over 90 beds in a variety of bedrooms.

During the Easter period and from mid June to late September it is staffed and offers refreshments, meals and accommodation. Outside these times the lodge is not staffed but there is a self-service accommodation facility with provisions available. The standard key is needed to gain access.

Both the main lodge and the self-service cabin are completely closed during May and the first third of June to discourage walkers in the Reindeer calving season.

The prices are the DNT standard prices.

The lodge is run extremely well run privately on behalf of DNT and they have produced a good website with loads information, including prices, and with an English link.